Author: Stef

The things your kids need to learn

A while ago I reacted on an article that was shared on Facebook with the title ‘7 Things Kids Need To Do For Themselves Before They Turn 13‘. My reaction was the following: It’s a sad world where these are the top 7 things that our children need to learn. Money at number 1???? Really?...

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Earth overshoot day, another perspective

Maybe you saw a post about it on your social media timeline or you might have heard a friend talking about it: earth overshoot day. It’s the day we use up an entire year worth of resources. To be more specific, we used up the resources our planet can generate in a year. For the...

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The age of the copycat economy

When Kickstarter first came online I was thrilled. What a great way to get funding for an innovative idea! Soon others followed. Nothing wrong with a bit of diversity and some competition in order to increase quality of service and cater to different target groups. But these days there are so many crowdfunding platforms out...

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Universal Basic Income? Why?

A lot has been said about basic income. Let us for now put aside the question of how it can be paid for or whether or not it will destroy social security systems. Let’s ask a more existential question: should we give people an income for basically doing nothing apart from being alive? In our current...

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Success, Your Way!

Everyone wants to be successful in life. Magazines, newspapers, the internet, social media, they are full of articles about successful people and the stories of what brought them there. There is an abundant amount of articles on how to become successful, all of them providing the one or two things you need to do to...

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A job created is a job well done?

A major rhetoric when you listen to politicians these days is: we will create more jobs! It was one of the main propaganda points for Trump, it played a role in Brexit and we hear it quite a lot during elections around the Western world. The message is clear: a job created is a job well...

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Do we live in a simulation? If so, which one?

I’ve seen quite a few mentions of the possibility that we might live in a simulated universe. For those who have not encountered the theory before, the reasoning goes like this: If we ever become advanced enough to be able to emulate a universe, we probably will. If that universe then spawns intelligent life and...

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Towards an Economy of Flow

A while ago I read an article in the Guardian which states that in order to combat climate change we don’t just need to switch to renewable energy, we need to create a new economic system. I have been doing some research of monetary systems and the economic eco systems they create for a while and...

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Building on Goodwill is a Bad Idea

Imagine I have a porcelain shop and I base my business on the goodwill of people. I leave my door unlocked at all times, I put an urn on the counter for people to leave money in for when they want to purchase some of my goods. I visit the shop to bring in new...

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Entering the Era of Psychological Warfare

This morning I came across an article that left me quite horrified. It also spurred a lot of questions. The article in question was about how your online data can be used to build an accurate psychological profile of you … and how that profile can be used to target you, as an individual with political propaganda....

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