Tag: behaviour

Towards an Economy of Flow

A while ago I read an article in the Guardian which states that in order to combat climate change we don’t just need to switch to renewable energy, we need to create a new economic system. I have been doing some research of monetary systems and the economic eco systems they create for a while and...

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Can you get rid of the messiness of life?

Simple answer: no. You can’t get rid of all of it … there will always be some mess. Fact. It’s like when you move house – you try to pack everything neatly into boxes, but some things don’t fit and you have to carry them separately or tied up with string. And when you get...

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The nature of money – Part 4: The alternatives

The year was 1932 and the small town of Wörgl in Austria was caught up in the great depression, just like the rest of the world. When Michael Unterguggenberger (1884-1936) was elected mayor of Wörgl, the city had 500 jobless people and another 1,000 in the immediate vicinity. Furthermore, 200 families were absolutely penniless. The...

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I agree with Donald Trump

I would like you to stop and think for a moment. What thoughts are currently forming in your head? What kind of emotions are you having? Are you thinking: ‘This guy is crazy!’ or ‘Someone with common sense!’? Are you feeling exhilarated? Angry? Confused? Happy? Frustrated? Supported? Have you formed an idea of who I...

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